Friday, July 9, 2010

Look at what we bought!!!!!

It was a crazy ride with being two independent small business owners, buying a short sale and being approved with mutual acceptance by all the dead lines. Phew.... We made it! Thanks to our amazing real estate agent Kristy Macpherson and our fabulous lender Jones Germain If you ever need some assistants in buying a home these are your two to get the job done!

We are cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning, painting the inside, replacing the carpet in the down stairs and then cleaning some more. Hopefully will be end the house by the end of July. And..... then maybe a house warming party! Any excuse to party right oh and show off what we have worked so hard for!


  1. Congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment!! I am happy for your family. Praying all the sickness for your family will be left at the last house. Cheers to a healthy family and happiness for a lifetime.

  2. Looks like a great place and I'm sure it's going to be even better when you all get it cleaned up and to how you want it. Congrats!

  3. Congratulations! It's a gorgeous home! May you fill it with wonderful memories.

  4. I love it!! its beautiful and congradulations a million times over. Cant wait to have a littel bbq and come see. Hope all is well and good luck with the renovations. Ps. Ive got a bottle of advil for the headaches. lol

  5. Cool! So great to see this picture.
