Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Hailey!!!

This has been the best year of my life. I have the most two beautiful daughters, and one amazing husband! I am so thankful for my family it is crazy. Hailey you have brought so much joy to our family!

Here are a few of my favorite things you have shown me this year:

*When you were a newborn you had these little chubby cheeks that were so easy to kiss!

*When sissy walks into a room your face lights up like you are in Disneyland!

*You looked like a weeble wobble when you learned out to sit and play with toys on your own!

*You talk so much and it is fun to listen to you.

*Mommy and sissy can make you laugh so hard that it is contagious.

*When Daddy walks in the room you scream Daaddyy!

*When you learned to crawl you figured it out and then crawled like you were trying to win a race wherever you were trying to go.

*I love that you sit at sissys door when she is at school and yell for her.

*I love to chase you around on the floor and listen to you laugh and try and get away but you can't since you are laughing to hard.

*I think the way you say Lylia is the cutest thing in the world. (Wywia)

*You get soooo excited when you see sissy get off the bus. You just start to scream sissy!

*When we go to sissy's swim meet's you clap for her! So cute!

*You love to play peek-a-boo and you cover your ears and say e-a-ooh.

*I love to sing "If all the rain drops were lemon drops and gum drops" and you sing ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ah!

These are just a few of things that you do that make my heart melt! Happy First Birthday my love!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Look what we have here!!

10/8/09 for the first time but this was this morning!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


It is official Hailey will be one this month! THIS MONTH! Where the heck did this year go? This has seriously been the fastest year of my life. It has also been the best year of my life. I am so stinking in love with my little family it is crazy. I never thought in a million years that love could feel like this. I mean I love my mom, dad, brothers ya know but the love for your own kids is like no other.

I have been having so much fun planning Hailey's party. I have really gone over board but John gave me the right since this is our last baby!

Also very big news! I know most of you know this already but....
Kiah had her first swim meet this last weekend and did so well. She got 1st place in Freestyle and qualified for regionals, 2ND place in backstroke and also qualified for regionals, 2nd in two relays and 2nd in a relay medley. So it looks like she may go to regional is Idaho. We would really like her to qualify for at least 4 different events for regionals. That is kind of a long drive! We are super proud of her. She is also very proud. The first thing she did when she got to swim team practice on Monday was walk quickly to her swim box and look for her ribbons. I think it was better than anything she has personally ever accomplished for herself! Good Job Kiah! Her next meet is Sunday October 11th in Juanita. Let us know if you want to come!!! I will post her race video when I figure out how to do this!